This post is about sharing Windows files and folders
with Linux Guest Operating System in Oracle VirtualBox VM.
1. Installed Oracle
VirtualBox VM 5.1
2. Guest
Operating System Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.X installed in virtual machine.
1. Insert Guest Additions CD Image
In VirtualBox VM windows select “Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image” menu option.
Image:01-Insert Guest Additions CD
2. Run Guest Additions
Click on Run button to install Guest
Additions module.
Image:02-Run Virtual Box Guest Additions
3. Press Return
Press “Enter”
key in the keyboard to exit from the installation terminal.
Image:03-Press Return
4. Create Shared Folder
In Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager window click
on “Shared folders” to open wizard
to create Shared Folders.
Image:04-Create Shared Folder
5. Add Folder
In “Add
Share” window click on “Folder Path:”
drop down button and then "Other" option to browse folder to share. Then browse
folder you want to share.
Image:05-Add Folder Path
In this case, I am sharing folder “F:\VM\SharedFolder\” . Select “Auto-mount”
and “Make Permanent” check box. Restart
Linux guest operating system, the shared folder will be automatically mounted
in “/media/sf_SharedFolder/”. Permanent option will make the mount option persistent across VM operating system reboots.
6. Provide Folder Name
Enter a name for shared folder. This folder
appears as sf_{folder name} in Linux guest operating system. Click on “Ok” button to continue.
Image:06-Add Folder To Share
7. Shared folder created
Click on “Ok” button to continue.
Image:07-Shared Folder
8. Check the shared folder
Login to guest operating system and check if
the folder is mounted.
Shared Folder
9. Add user to vboxsf group
The ownership of files and folders accessed
this way is root:vboxsf,
so the user through which these files are accessed should belong to vboxsf group. The command
below is used to assign grid
and oracle user to
vboxsf group.
[root@db12c-01 ~]#usermod -a -G
vboxsf grid
[root@db12c-01 ~]#usermod -a -G
vboxsf oracle
Hope this helps.
Thanks! It helped